Ĉu vi lernas Esperanton? Ĉu vi volas paroli pli flue?
Tomaso ALEXANDER (known as "Salivanto" on Duolingo) has written close to 30,000 comments in response to countless learner questions about Esperanto. Sign up here to request email updates which will help you learn and speak Esperanto better.
In the weeks leading up to the closing of the forums on Duolingo (in March 2022), I (Tomaso) was primarily focused on reviewing posts on Duolingo - and on capturing as much of that useful material as possible before it was.
After this time, I will start republishing this material - edited and updated by the author - in a blog format. In addition, I've been sending weekly updates by email with small bites of Esperanto text, plus tips, hints, and answers to the questions you have about learning Esperanto.
Subscribe now to the email list to receive information on progress and to stay in touch after the forum shuts down. I want to hear from you. Let me know what you're learning and what you have questions with.